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Oestrogen patch update - supply returned

30 November 2017

Novartis has advised that the company has both received and released stock for supply locally of the following lines;

  • ESTALIS SEQ 50MCG/50+ 140MCG 
  • ESTALIS SEQ 50MCG/50+ 250MCG

As a result the only remaining HRT line now still unavailable is ESTALIS CONT 50+250MCG

This line is confirmed for arrival into Sydney early next week - 4 December 2017.

Novartis is in the process of re-stocking wholesalers for all products and the products should be in pharmacies sometime next week.

Read more …Oestrogen patch update - supply returned

Prasterone (Intrarosa) for Dyspareunia

From the Medical Letter

The FDA has approved the steroid prasterone (Intrarosa – Endoceutics) for intravaginal treatment of postmenopausal women with moderate-to-severe dyspareunia due to vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) (Table 1). Also called dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), prasterone is produced in the adrenal glands, gonads, and brain and converted intracellularly into active metabolites of estrogens and androgens. DHEA has been available over the counter for years as an oral dietary supplement claimed to benefit sexual, cardiovascular, and neuropsychiatric dysfunction.1- 3

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Read more …Prasterone (Intrarosa) for Dyspareunia