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Menopause Videos Vietnamese

The International Menopause Society (IMS) set of easy-to-understand videos are now also available with Vietnamese subtitles.

These seven short videos cover a whole range of issues surrounding the menopause, including the issues women worry most about; weight gain, treatment safety and sex after the menopause. The presenters are prominent IMS members and members of the Australasian Menopause Society:  

  • Professor Susan Davis is on the IMS Board. She is Professor at the Department of Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. She is an IMS Board Member.
  • Professor Rod Baber is the President of the IMS He is Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at The University of Sydney.
  • Dr Anna Fenton is the President of the AMS. She has been responsible for establishing and expanding the gynaecological endocrine service at Christchurch Women's Hospital and is actively involved in research and both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. 

susan r davis 0 video iconMenopause - What are the Symptoms?

Professor Susan Davis discusses several of the most common menopausal symptoms.


susan r davis 2 video iconMenopause - How will it affect my health?

 Professor Susan Davis explains how the onset of menopause may affect one's health.  


susan r davis 3 video iconWhat is Menopausal Hormone Therapy (HRT)?

 Professor Susan Davis discusses the basics of menopausal hormone therapy (HRT).  


rod baber video iconIs Menopausal Hormone Therapy (HRT) safe?

Professor Rod Baber discusses the safety of menopausal hormone therapy (HRT).  


anna fenton video iconMenopause - Complementary Therapies

 Dr Anna Fenton discusses complementary treatment therapies for menopausal symptoms. 


anna fenton 2 video iconMenopause - Non-hormonal Treatment Options

Dr Anna Fenton discusses a variety of non-hormonal treatment options for menopausal symptoms.


susan r davis video iconMenopause - Will it affect my sex life?

Professor Susan Davis discusses how the onset of menopause may affect your sex life, as well as various treatment options.


The original series is available for download at


Content updated March 2019