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Sexual wellbeing for women with breast cancer

Starting the conversation: supporting sexual wellbeing for women with breast cancerStarting the conversation: supporting sexual wellbeing for women with breast cancer, is a Cancer Australia resource to assist health professionals to initiate discussions around sexual wellbeing with women and their partners, following a diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

Research shows that while many women experience negative changes to their sexual wellbeing, few speak to a health professional about the issue.

This resource was developed in response to the lack of available guidance supporting health professionals in this area.

Starting the conversation: supporting sexual wellbeing for women with breast cancer includes examples and tips to identify and prioritise a woman's key concerns and offer support to resolution. It includes information on issues of sexual wellbeing and identifies risk factors and prevalence of common symptoms and guides health professionals through key practice points.

Further referral options to specialist services and web links to additional information are also included.

Links to the Australasian Menopause Society website have been included in the resource.

Download is available here


Content updated July 2013