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Breast density, breast cancer risk, and hormone therapy

10 July, 2017

The radiographic appearance of the breast on mammography varies among women. Fat appears dark on a mammogram, whereas connective and epithelial tissues are radiologically dense and appear white. This is the basis for determining the mammographic density, and the relative percentage of dense versus lucent breast areas (percent mammographic density, PMD). It has been well established that parameters of breast density correlate with breast cancer risk, with a four- to six-fold-fold gradient in risk between women with 75% or more PMD compared with those with 10% or less [1]. A systematic meta-analysis of data for more than 14,000 cases and 226,000 non-cases from 42 studies found that greater PMD was consistently associated with an increased risk of breast cancer [2]. No differences were observed by age/menopausal status at mammography or by ethnicity. For PMD using pre-diagnostic mammograms, combined relative risks of incident breast cancer in the general population were 1.79 (95% CI 1.48–2.16), 2.11 (95% CI 1.70–2.63), 2.92 (95% CI 2.49–3.42), and 4.64 (95% CI 3.64–5.91) for categories 5–24%, 25–49%, 50–74%, and greater than or equal to 75% relative to less than 5%. While this generalized notion is actually 'old news', there might be, in fact, some deviations from the core principle, which relate to the exact parameter evaluated, the characteristics of the cohort and the technique of density measurement. Some studies picked breast density as the main tested parameter, whereas others used PMD, or changes over time in density or in PMD. As an example, in a study of 6710 women aged 40–49 at intermediate familial risk of breast cancer (average lifetime risk of 23%), the absolute density, but not percent density, was a significant risk factor for breast cancer after adjusting for area of non-dense tissue (OR per 10 cm2 = 1.07, 95% CI 1.00–1.15, p = 0.04) [3]. The effect was stronger in premenopausal women, who made up the majority of the study population. Absolute density remained a significant predictor of breast cancer risk after adjusting for age at menarche, age at first live birth, parity, past or present hormone replacement therapy, and the Tyrer-Cuzick 10-year relative risk estimate of breast cancer. Eng and colleagues drew attention to the potential impact of the mammography technique on the measured density [4]. They pointed out that there is currently no validated estimation method for full-field digital mammography, while differences in the obtained results may occur if various techniques are compared.

Read more …Breast density, breast cancer risk, and hormone therapy

A new look at hormone therapy and dementia

26 June 2017

Mikkola and colleagues examined the association between use of hormone therapy (HT) and death from Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or vascular dementia (VaD) in a sample of 489,105 Finnish women who had documented use of systemic HT on a nationwide drug reimbursement register [1]. A nationwide Finnish death register indicated that 1057 of those women died of AD and 581 died of VaD. Findings revealed that, compared to population averages, women who used HT for at least 5 years had a 15–19% reduced risk of death from AD, and use of HT for any period of time was associated with a 37–39% reduced risk of death from VaD. No reduction in AD was observed among women who used HT for less than 5 years, nor did age at initiation (< 60 years versus > 60 years) influence risk of AD or VaD.


Concern about the risks of dementia with HT stems primarily from the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS), which showed a doubling of the risk of all-cause dementia with conjugated equine estrogen (CEE) and medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) [2]. These findings were observed in a sample of women aged 65 years and older, and questions regarding the generalizability of those findings to younger women and to other formulations of HT have been the topic of much debate. A definitive answer to those questions is unlikely to be determined, as it is not feasible to conduct a long-term, large-scale, randomized, controlled trial of HT for primary prevention of dementia among early postmenopausal women. For that reason, we must rely on observational studies to guide understanding of HT and dementia.

Observational studies of HT and dementia risk focus primarily on AD, the most common form of dementia, and less on VaD, the second most common form of dementia. Meta-analyses of HT and AD risk generally provide support for the view that HT lowers AD risk [3,4]. However, observational studies, particularly those in the United States, are difficult to interpret because of the healthy-user bias, the tendency for women who use HT to be healthier and better educated than those who do not use HT, and the tendency to rely on self-report of HT exposure (not optimal for a memory study!). Additionally, the most common form of HT used in those studies is CEE with or without MPA and little is known about estradiol, which is used widely outside of the United States.

Read more …A new look at hormone therapy and dementia

HRT and cardiovascular disease

12 June 2017

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in postmenopausal women [1]. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been shown to reduce future risk of cardiovascular disease when taken within 10 years of the menopause. Avoiding HRT in menopausal women can actually be detrimental to their health. Some experts are now recommending that HRT should be considered as part of a general prevention strategy for women at the onset of the menopause [2]. However, some doctors and nurses feel very apprehensive about this as they are confused about the association of HRT with cardiovascular disease (CVD).

The negative publicity regarding the misinterpretation in the media of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study has led to many women and health-care professionals still being concerned and anxious about the potential risks of HRT [3], in particular regarding HRT and cardiovascular disease (CVD). A large proportion of doctors are still informing women that HRT is associated with a greater risk of CVD and are refusing to prescribe HRT for women who would actually benefit from taking it. Many women with hypertension are still being told to stop taking their HRT. This misperception is resulting in large numbers of women needlessly enduring menopause symptoms and also increasing their future risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and diabetes by not taking HRT.

Read more …HRT and cardiovascular disease

Neurokinin-3 receptor antagonist to treat hot flushes

8 May, 2017

Hot flushes, which are among the most frequent symptoms of menopause, are considered to be the result of the changes in the sex hormone milieu and tissue exposure at midlife and beyond. However, modern medicine tries also to tie physiological processes with the individual gene profile. This was also done in regard to vasomotor symptoms (VMS) in the WHI study, in search of potential associations between VMS and certain genetic variations and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). After adjustment for bilateral oophorectomy, age, smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, population structure, body mass index, education, income, and menopausal hormone therapy use, 14 SNPs were associated with increased odds of VMS at a p value threshold < 5 × 10-8 [1]. These 14 SNPs are located within the same region of chromosome 4, the gene which encodes tachykinin receptor 3 (TACR3), and neurokinin B (NKB), a member of the tachykinin family of peptides, preferentially binds to NK3R. NKB mRNA-expressing neurons are located predominantly in the infundibular nucleus and the anterior hypothalamic area. In humans, NKB neurons co-localize with the gonadotropin releasing hormone tract in the infundibular stalk, and the NKB pathway is implicated in pubertal development and hypogonadatropic hypogonadism. Another study showed that the expression of tachykinins and their receptors in the mouse uterus are tightly and differentially regulated by ovarian steroids [2]. Estrogen effects are mainly mediated by estrogen receptor alpha, supporting an essential role for this estrogen receptor in the regulation of the tachykinergic system in the mouse uterus. Furthermore, menopause and/or oophorectomy are associated with changes in NKB gene expression: in the human infundibular nucleus it increases after menopause, and in monkeys and rats ovariectomy induces similar increases in NKB gene expression that are reversed by estradiol therapy [3].

Read more …Neurokinin-3 receptor antagonist to treat hot flushes

Better be divorced?

10 April, 2017

The title of this commentary is not a joke. Marital status seems to have a major impact on health. Traditionally, stability in intimate relations has positive effects on health and quality of life parameters, especially in old age. This assumption even translates into smaller insurance costs of married versus divorced persons. But recent data from the WHI observational study now challenges this accepted belief [1]. Among 79,094 postmenopausal women, transitions into marriage/marriage-like relationship after menopause were associated with greater increase in body mass index (BMI) and alcohol intake relative to remaining unmarried. Divorce/separation was associated with a reduction in BMI and waist circumference, changes that were accompanied by improvements in diet quality and physical activity, relative to women who remained married. The message coming from these results is that, contrary to earlier literature, in a cohort of well-educated, predominantly non-Hispanic white women, marital transitions after menopause are accompanied by modifiable health outcomes/behaviors that are more favorable for women experiencing divorce/separation than those entering a new marriage.


Marital status is a major parameter in every history-taking that health-care providers do. Thousands of articles have displayed all aspects of quality of life in health, as well as the potential impact on various disease situations adjusted to the marital status. Having a partner and intimate relations are considered as health promotors, while accordingly, marital disruption is perceived as a negative factor. For example, most studies on cardiovascular disease showed better outcomes for married persons, and men who were single generally had the poorest results [2]. Moreover, being married was associated with lower risk factors and better health status, even in the presence of many confounding effects. Physiological processes, such as cardiovascular reactivity, hormonal functionality, inflammatory manifestations and sleep patterns behave differently in the subsets of marital status, and so do many psychological variables [3, 4]. Even bone density was mentioned in this respect, as marriage before age 25 and marital disruptions seem deleterious to bone health in men, whereas marital quality was associated with better bone health in women [5].

Read more …Better be divorced?

Sleep duration and health

24 April, 2017

A friend has just told me that sleep is a waste of time, because every minute being awake does count and should be used to enjoy life. Well, I guess he was wrong, since sleep is mandatory not only for relaxation, but also for the initiation of many active neuro-physiological processes which are vital. Extreme and prolonged deprivation of sleep may even eventually lead to death. The duration of sleep seems an important factor in maintaining optimal health. There is a consensus that a 7-hour night sleep should be recommended [1], whereas shorter or longer sleeps might be associated with a higher rate of health derangements and mortality risk [2]. Although there is probably no gender difference in the impact of sleep duration, herein are some clinical data related to women and menopause.

Cardiovascular disease: In the Women's Health Initiative observational study (n = 86,329; 50–79 years old, 10.3 years follow-up), shorter (5 h or less) and longer (10 h or more) sleep duration demonstrated significantly higher incident coronary heart disease (CHD) (25%) and cardiovascular disease (19%) in age- and race-adjusted models, but this was not significant in fully adjusted models [3]. Women with long sleep demonstrated the greatest risk of incident CHD compared to midrange sleep duration (hazard ratio =1.93, 95% CI 1.06–3.51) in fully adjusted models.

Hypertension: The Nurses' Health Study investigated the relationships between sleep duration and hypertension among women whose sleep durations were self-reported (n = 84,674) [4)]. The prevalence of hypertension was significantly higher among women who slept 5 h or less per night (odds ratio = 1.19, 95% CI 1.14–1.25) compared with 7 h, but further analysis showed that this association was only seen in those aged < 50 years.

Diabetes mellitus: A recent study used data from the China Kadoorie Biobank, coming from a rural county [5]. Sleep duration was shown to have a U-shaped association with diabetes in 33,677 women, in particular in postmenopausal women after adjustment for potential confounders. Compared with 7-h sleepers, odds ratios of sleep duration 5 h or less and 10 h or more for diabetes were 1.32 (95% CI 1.02–1.69) and 1.30 (95% CI 1.03–1.65), respectively.

Cancer: The WHI observational study showed that deviation from the ideal 7-h night sleep increases the risk for colorectal cancer [6]. There were 851 incident cases with an average 11.3 years of follow-up. Compared with 7 h of sleep, the hazard ratios were 1.36 (95% CI 1.06–1.74) and 1.47 (95% CI 1.10–1.96) for short (5 h or less) and long (9 h or more) sleep duration. The Nurses' Health Study experience was summarized as 'no convincing evidence for an association between sleep duration and the incidence of breast cancer' [7]. In few other studies, results were mixed, either a small reduced risk or a small increased risk for women who deviated from the optimal sleep duration.

Cognition: Both the Nurses' Health and WHI studies demonstrated an adverse impact of shorter or longer sleep durations on cognitive function [8]. Also, women whose sleep duration changed by 2 h or more per day over time had worse cognition than women with no change in sleep duration.

To note, despite statistically significant associations between sleep duration and many health aspects, the excessive risks are relatively small or modest, when converted into absolute numbers. Still, sleep is needed for maintaining our normal physiology, and keeping the recommended schedule of a 7-h sleep duration per night will probably promote better health.

Read more …Sleep duration and health

Langer's insights on the WHI study: unbiased evaluation and behind the scene facts

27 March, 2017

I urge everyone carefully to read Robert Langer's article in the April issue of Climacteric [1]. Members can download the paper from the IMS website. Langer was one of the chief investigators of the WHI project, both clinician and epidemiologist, who was able to bring not only his unbiased view on the clinical data, but also some important anecdotes related to behind-the-scene administrative issues. Below are the main points that I found most significant, as quoted from the article.

1. 'The WHI set out to test whether (contemporary in 1993) HRT prevents CHD, fractures, and bowel cancer, in women well beyond menopause who are at greater risk of those diseases than the younger women represented in the prior studies. Enrollment was restricted within age groups so that no more than 10% of women would be 50–54 years old, and no more than 20% would be between 55 and 59 years old. Fully 70% of WHI women were to be 60–79 years old.'

2. 'The initial results paper was written by a small group from the coordinating center and program office and submitted to the journal without informing or consulting the clinical site principal investigators. . . . On June 27th, the entire investigator group consisting of the principal investigators for the 40 clinical sites, the coordinating center team, and the NIH program staff gathered for the semi-annual meeting in Chicago. After minor preliminaries, the investigator group was stunned by the announcement that the Data Safety and Monitoring Committee (DSMB) had recommended stopping the CEE + ‏MPA trial and that the Director had accepted their recommendation. Minutes later the group was shocked by the distribution of a typeset copy of the primary results paper soon to be published in JAMA. This was the first time that the vast majority of principal investigators had seen the paper. . . . Concerns were raised about the propriety of producing a paper on behalf of the entire study group in this manner. More importantly, concerns were raised about the tone, the analyses conducted and reported, and the interpretation of the results in the paper. After some discussion, it was agreed that the concerned investigators could quickly provide edits addressing the tone and interpretation. . . . Edits were produced in the brief time remaining before lunch and taken to JAMA. The courier returned shortly with the message that the journal issue had already been printed.'

3. 'The NIH press release announcing the stopping of the study began with the headline "NHLBI Stops Trial of Estrogen Plus Progestin Due to Increased Breast Cancer Risk, Lack of Overall Benefit". The draft press release was distributed to the investigator group after lunch on June 27th, following on the news that the journal was already printed and the paper could not be edited. There was heated discussion about the wording of the press release. But, in the end, the wording favored by the program office prevailed. That headline, pandering to women's greatest fear – the fear of breast cancer – ensured that word of the study would spread like wildfire. And it ensured that the conversation would be driven much more by emotion and politics than by science.'

4. 'Contrary to the usual procedure in clinical trials . . . , no covariate adjusted analyses were reported. . . . The only significant findings in the 'adjusted' results were for a reduction in total fracture and an increase in VTE. The nominal results were significant for benefits in colorectal cancer, hip fracture and total fracture, and significant for adverse outcomes in CHD, stroke and VTE. Even the nominal results were not statistically significant for breast cancer; although the hazard ratio (HR) was 1.26, the 95% confidence interval (CI) (1.0–1.59) included 1.0. The 'adjusted' 95% confidence interval for breast cancer was 0.83–1.92. Nonetheless, incredibly, the paper included the statistically unsupported statement 'The WHI is the first randomized controlled trial to confirm that combined estrogen plus progestin does increase the risk of incident breast cancer and to quantify the degree of risk'.'

Read more …Langer's insights on the WHI study: unbiased evaluation and behind the scene facts

Cognitive aging in midlife women: is it real?

20 March, 2017

Cognitive aging has become an important issue because of increased life expectancy in women. Cognitive complaints are common during midlife, as part of the climacteric syndrome. By using data from a longitudinal observational study in 2124 participants from the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation, Karlamangla and colleagues [1] attempted to demonstrate that cognitive aging is present in midlife women, irrespective of menopausal transition and its associated symptoms. Moreover, their study design tried to avoid the so-called practice effects deriving from the ability to learn from repeat testing in younger women. Average age at baseline (third cognition testing visit) was 54 years and the majority of the women were postmenopausal, with half the cohort being 2 or more years beyond the final menstrual period. There were 7185 cognition assessments (processing speed, verbal episodic memory [immediate and delayed], and working memory) with median follow-up time of 6.5 years. By adjusting for practice effects, retention, menopause symptoms (depressive, anxiety, vasomotor, and sleep disturbance), and covariates, they found a mean decline in cognitive speed of 0.28 per year (95% confidence interval, CI 0.20–0.36) or of 4.9% in 10 years, and a mean decline in verbal episodic memory (delayed testing) of 0.02 per year (95% CI 0.00–0.03) or of 2% in 10 years.

Read more …Cognitive aging in midlife women: is it real?

New information technologies in medical practice

13 March, 2017

New information technologies have entered medical practice. The role of the internet has frequently been investigated regarding advantages and disadvantages. In August, Medscape surveyed 1423 health-care providers, including 847 physicians, and 1103 patients to assess their attitudes toward new emerging technologies in medicine [1]. Here are the most important results of this survey. Further reading can be found in references [2-8].


Smartphone apps to monitor blood glucose levels or cardiac irregularities have already arrived and are in use by many patients. When patients and physicians were asked whether they support taking this technology one step further – using technologies to self-diagnose non-life-threatening medical conditions, twice as many patients as physicians said they did. But half of the respondents agreed that all final diagnoses should be made by a qualified health professional.

Access to physicians' notes

Physicians and patients disagree widely on how much access patients should have to physicians' notes. Twice as many patients as physicians felt they should have access to lab results as soon as they are available, regardless of whether they might cause patients to worry or panic. Physicians wanted to have more control over how and when lab results were released. More than seven of ten physicians felt that they should review all lab results before providing patients with access to the results. Patients with cancer, in particular, exemplify the risks of immediate access to lab results. Patients may be able to see results of such tests as tumor markers – a potentially high-anxiety experience – before their physician has been able to put the results in context.

Read more …New information technologies in medical practice

Risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism in hormone therapy users

20 February, 2017

One of the main issues discussed in relation to postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT) is the risk for venous thromboembolic (VTE) events. In fact, this safety aspect of HT use is probably the only significant one in healthy women younger than 60 or during the first decade of use. A history of VTE usually deters physicians from prescribing HT as these women have anyway a higher risk for recurrent VTE in the future. Is this true also for women who were already using HT when the index VTE occurred?

Kiconco and colleagues investigated the outcomes in women whose initial VTE event was hormone-related and compared them to women whose initial event had no obvious cause [1]. Their cohort utilized the Clinical Practice Research Datalink linked to Hospital Episode Statistics data from England. The investigators selected 4170 women aged between 15 and 64 years who were diagnosed with a first VTE event between 1997 and 2011, and treated for a while with anticoagulants, which were then discontinued. The median follow-up time after stopping anticoagulation was around 2 years. Recurrent VTE events were higher in non-users than in users of hormones (15.3% vs. 9.5%; 51 cases per 1000 vs. 37 cases per 1000). Further to the significant difference in the absolute number of events in each subgroup, hormone users had 29% lower recurrence risk than non-users (adjusted HR = 0.71; 95% CI 0.58–0.88), a relationship which existed both in women aged 15–44 years (predominantly oral contraceptive users) and those aged 45–64 years (predominantly HT users). The conclusion was that having a hormone-associated VTE was associated with a lower recurrence risk than that related to unprovoked VTE after cessation of both the hormone-containing preparation and the subsequent anticoagulation. Furthermore, if this is the case, then prolonged anticoagulation may be unjustified in such women.

Read more …Risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism in hormone therapy users