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Breaking the silence on Early menopause

Breaking the Silence on Early menopause imageThe theme of International Women’s Day for 2022 is ‘Breaking the bias’. Researchers at Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation, Monash University, have chosen this day to ‘break the silence’ on early menopause, to launch their new evidenced based App for women Ask Early Menopause. Developed by women for women, and with multidisciplinary early menopause expert input, the App includes women’s stories, evidence-based information, animation and a personalised dashboard to help women manage early menopause and premature ovarian insufficiency. Development of the App was undertaken as part of the CRE in Women’s Health in Reproductive Life (CRE-WHiRL) and builds on previous work from the NHMRC partnership project, Healthtalk Australia Early Menopause Digital Resource where AMS was a project partner.

The App is to be launched by guest speaker, Professor Beverley Vollenhoven AM, former AMS board member, at an online event on March 7 2022, which will include expert speakers and a Q&A session. We hope that you and the women with early menopause you care for can join us.

Clinical A/Prof Amanda Vincent
Head of Early Menopause research, Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation, Monash University
Endocrinologist, Menopause Clinic, Monash Health
AMS Past President

pdfBreaking the Silence on Early Menopause594.87 KB 



 Content Updated 8 March 2022