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A Current Affair - Linking Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) and Breast Cancer

On 23 September, A Current Affair screened a segment featuring Blanche D’Alpuget (the late Bob Hawke’s wife) which may raise some concerns for your patients. In the segment she discusses how she was diagnosed with breast cancer after her MHT dosage was increased. Dr Kerryn Phelps was also interviewed and claimed that the recent evidence shows that MHT ‘triples’ the risk of breast cancer.

Dr Phelps references the Lancet study published in August last year.

We refer you to the excellent paper written by Professor Susan Davis, President, International Menopause Society and AMS Past-President in response to the Lancet paper, to assist you in discussion about the risks and benefits with your patients.

We also refer you to our Fact Sheet and Infographic on “What is MHT and is it safe?” which is a good resource for your patients.

Content created 24 September 2020