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ESHRE Companion guidelines on the management of premature ovarian insufficiency

The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) guideline offers best practice advice on the care of women with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), both primary and secondary.

The patient population comprises women younger than 40 years (which includes Turner Syndrome patients) and women older than 40 years, but with disease onset before 40. 

Information for  women with  Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

PremIn Ov POI

The consumer companion for the clinical guideline providing recommendations for POI is for you if: 

  • You have been diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI). 

The booklet aims to

  • increase awareness of premature ovarian insufficiency
  • encourage women with POI to attend their healthcare provider.
  • provide women with POI with tools to discuss their options with their healthcare provider.

Information for  women with Iatrogenic  Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

Iatrogenic POIThe consumer companion for the clinical guideline providing recommendations for iatorgenic POI is for you if:  

  • You have been diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) as a result of treatment for cancer or benign disease -
  • You are about to undergo treatment that could result in POI

The iatrogenic booklet aims to:

  • increase awareness of premature ovarian insufficiency
  • encourage women with POI to attend their healthcare provider.
  • provide women with POI with tools to discuss their options with their healthcare provider.

 These booklets are intended for patients, but may also be useful for their family members and caregivers 

 See the guideline here: Guideline on the management of premature ovarian insufficiency

See the ESHRE website:


Content created April 2018