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AMS Congress 2013

congress flyer

The following CME points have been approved for the AMS Congress 2013 Adelaide.

  • Delegates will need to indicate on the registration form whether they intend to apply for continuing education points.
    The official conference website is at  
  • To register for the AMS 2013 ALM, write to AMS Executive Director at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pre Congress Update

This activity has been approved by the RACGP QI&CPD Program.
Total 40 Category 1 points, in Women's Health
Category 2 Total 2 Points Per Hour.

This meeting has been approved for 4 CPD points in the meetings category of The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

This meeting has been accredited for 6 PRPD and 3 Core Points + 6 PRPD and 3 Core O&G MOPS Points.


This activity has been approved by the RACGP QI&CPD Program.
Total 2 Points Per Hour.

This meeting has been approved as a RANZCOG Approved O&G Meeting and eligible Fellows of this College will earn Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points for attendance as follows:
Full attendance 13 Points (Conference Only)
Attendance – 6 September 4 points (after rounding)
Attendance – 7 September 6 points (after rounding)
Attendance – 8 September 4 points (after rounding)

This meeting has been accredited 8 Core Points + 8 Core O&G MOPS Points.

Content update 26 June 2013