Anti-Mullerian Hormone test
Anti-Mullerian Hormone test alone not reliable.
The so-called “egg-timer” test is now being made more widely available to Australian women. But it is not a reliable marker of fertility if used alone, the Australasian Menopause Society Board says.
IVF clinics began promoting the AMH test, which requires a single 5 ml blood sample, in February, 2010.
The test is suggested for women contemplating fertility treatment or women who have had chemotherapy or ovarian surgery.
Young women considering delaying pregnancy may also get a “reality check” by using the test, proponents say.
Australasian Menopause Society comments:
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) is produced by the granulosa cells of primary and preantral follicles. Circulating levels of AMH, combined with other circulating factors and ovarian follicle numbers measured using ultrasound have been used as a measure of ovarian reserve. AMH levels correlate with ovarian follicle MH number. However, the clinical role for measuring AMH is not yet clear.
AMH alone is not a reliable marker of fertility, time until menopause or ovarian reserve. AMH may be increased in certain clinical conditions, such as PCOS, but alone is not a reliable marker for PCOS. Whilst an active area of research, there is currently no well established clinical role for the measurement of AMH in benign gynaecology.
Content updated 23 March 2010