Focus on less invasive treatments for heavy menstrual bleeding
On 13 June 2024 the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care released national trend data in a new report suggesting that women may be turning from hysterectomy to less invasive treatments for heavy menstrual bleeding, a condition that affects one in four Australian women.
It has also released an updated Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Clinical Care Standard (2024) to ensure that women with this condition can make an informed choice about the most appropriate treatment for their individual situation.
Together these resources aim to improve care for women with heavy menstrual bleeding, which can have a substantial impact on a woman's quality of life.
Hysterectomy is one option for treating heavy menstrual bleeding, but there are a number of associated risks. Less invasive treatments are available, including oral medicines, the hormonal IUD and procedures like endometrial ablation.
Key findings
The Women’s Health Focus Report found a 20% decrease nationally in the rate of hysterectomy between 2014-15 and 2021-22, and a 10% increase in the rate of the less invasive option of endometrial ablation (2013-16 and 2019-22).*
However, the data indicate inconsistencies in care across the country. Rates for both procedures were consistently higher in regional areas than in major cities and remote areas. In 2021-22, the hysterectomy rate for First Nations women was 9% higher than for other Australian women.
Use the Report’s interactive maps and graphs to view hospitalisation rates and trends in your state or territory, PHN and local area. If substantial variation exists, investigate whether appropriate care is being delivered in line with the Standard.
Download the Standard and implementation resources to learn more about best practice care and local improvement opportunities for women with heavy menstrual bleeding.
Read more …Focus on less invasive treatments for heavy menstrual bleeding