Older mums at birth of last child and exceptional longevity
Women who had their children later in life will be happy to learn that research suggests an association between older maternal age at birth of the last child and greater odds for surviving to an unusually old age.
In the study which used Long Life Family Study data, 311 women who survived past the oldest fifth percentile of survival (according to birth cohort-matched life tables) were identified as cases, along with 151 women who died at ages younger than the top fifth percentile of survival who were identified as controls. Looking at the cases of all 462 women, the study found a significant association for older maternal age, whereby women who had their last child beyond age 33 years had twice the odds for survival to the top fifth percentile of survival for their birth cohorts compared with women who had their last child by age 29 years. More specifically, women between the ages of 33 and 37 having their last child had an odds ratio of 2.08. The odds ratio for older women was 1.92.
Read more …Older mums at birth of last child and exceptional longevity