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Make Menopause Matter | Media release 5 September 2022

Make Menopause MatterOver 250 medical practitioners will be meeting in Cairns, and 150 joining in online this Friday 7th to Sunday 9th September for the 24th Australasian Menopause Society Congress – Make Menopause Matter.

More than half the population will go through menopause. “The majority of postmenopausal women will experience symptoms with 28% having moderate to severe symptoms that will impact on their capacity to work, to look after their families and themselves” says Dr Karen Magraith, President of the Australasian Menopause Society.

Safe, effective and evidence-based treatment options are available to treat menopausal symptoms, yet most women are not accessing them. Some women and their doctors are still under the impression that menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) causes breast cancer due to the media attention given to the results from the Women’s Health Initiative back in 2002. The data from this study has since been re-evaluated and shown that for most peri- and postmenopausal women, the benefits of MHT outweigh the risks.

Women who are peri- or postmenopausal are often working in senior roles in the workplace, are more educated and juggling multiple roles. “In previous generations, women were expected to deal with it quietly but today’s women expect information and treatment options,” Dr Magraith said. More medical practitioners are wanting to upskill in menopause management in order to improve the quality of life for their patients and meet the expectations of women wanting evidence-based healthcare.

Over 3 days, delegates at the Congress will hear about the impact of menopause on women in the workplace, cardiovascular risk in postmenopausal women, the impact of menopause on genitourinary health, management of anxiety and depression, as well as brain fog at menopause. More details about the Congress and the program can be found at



For further information, contact:

Vicki Doherty
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0458 113 183