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Role Descriptions AMS Board

AMS Board structure and duties

The AMS Board consists of 10 elected members plus the immediate Past President. The Editor of Changes and representatives of CAMS (Council of Affiliated Menopause Societies) and APMF (Asia Pacific Menopause Federation) are invited to attend Board meetings. The Editor of Changes does have voting rights but CAMS and APMF representatives do not.

The Board Executive includes the President, President Elect, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. The Chair of the Education Sub-committee has been co-opted onto Executive in recent years.  As per item 49, memorandum of Association, the President, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary are ex-officio members of all subcommittees.

The Executive and Secretariat maintain regular email contact, dealing with any business arising on a daily to weekly basis.

The business of the Society shall be managed by the Board (item 39) and the Board may delegate powers or functions (not being duties imposed on the Board as the Officers of the Society by the Rules of the general law) to one or more subcommittees consisting of such member(s) of the Society the Board sees fit (item 49).

Thus as the duty of the Board is to manage the business of the Society all subcommittees need to report directly to Board such that Board members are constantly fully briefed of Society activities. Board approval is required for major undertakings of any of the subcommittees. When urgent approval is required and full Board approval cannot be attained in a timely manner, approval by the Board Executive will be acceptable, and the full Board should be informed of the decisions made.

Subcommittees include:

  • Programme Organising Committee
  • Annual Meeting Local Organising Committee
  • Education Committee
  • Website Committee
  • Research Committee (currently under Education Committee)

All minutes of meetings of each of the subcommittee must be lodged with the Executive Officer of the Society and then distributed to Board such that all Board members are aware of all the Society’s ongoing activities.

Individual Board member descriptions:

1 President 

  • General: Is a partner with the organisation’s Executive Officer in achieving the Society’s mission. Provides leadership to the Board and ensures the effective action of the Board in governing and supporting the organization, and oversees Board affairs. Acts as the representative of the Board as a whole.
  • Community: Speaks to the media and the community on behalf of the organization (as does the Executive Officer); Represents the AMS in the community.
  • Meetings: Develops agendas for meetings in concert with the Executive Officer. Presides at Board meetings.
  • Committees: Recommends to the Board which committees are to be established. Seeks volunteers for committees and coordinates individual Board member assignments. Makes sure each committee has a chairperson, and stays in touch with chairpersons to be sure that their work is carried out; identifies committee recommendations that should be presented to the full Board. Determines whether executive committee meetings are necessary and convenes the committee accordingly.
  • Executive Officer: Establishes search and selection committee (usually acts as chair) for hiring an Executive Officer. Convenes Board discussions on evaluating the Executive Officer and negotiating compensation and benefits package; conveys information to the Executive Officer.
  • Board Affairs: Ensures that Board matters are handled properly, including preparation of pre-meeting materials, committee functioning, and recruitment and orientation of new Board members.

2 President Elect 

  • President Elect is elected from the Board and on retirement of the current Board, becomes the new President.
  • The President Elect's role is to provide support to the President, and to become familiar with the responsibilities of the presidency. The President Elect shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President, and shall serve as President during the remainder of the term should the office of President become vacant. At the end of a two year term as President Elect, he/she automatically becomes President of the Society.
  • It is recommended that ideally individuals recommended for the office of President Elect possess the following minimum qualifications for consideration:
    1. A member of the society for at least 4 years
    2. Served at least one term on Executive
    3. Served on at least one Annual Meeting Committee
    4.Served on at least one Society Sub-committee

3  Past President

Past President remains on AMS Board and Executive to provide continuity and serves in a mentoring role to other members of Board, especially new Board members.

4 Honorary Treasurer

  • Honorary Treasurer is elected from the Board.
  • General: Manages the Board’s review of, and action related to, the Board’s financial responsibilities. May work directly with the Executive Officer or other staff in developing and implementing financial procedures and systems. Liaise with the ED AMS re monthly accounts, monthly payments and annual budget; 
  • Reports: Ensures that appropriate and accurate financial reports are made available to the Board. Regularly reports to the Board on key financial events, trends, concerns, and assessment of fiscal health.
  • The Honorary Treasurer shall be appointed for a period of two years and shall be eligible for re-election, but shall not hold office for more than four consecutive years. 
  • Cash Management and Investments: Ensures, through the Investment Advisor sound management and maximization of cash and investments.

5 Honorary Secretary

  • Honorary Secretary is elected from the Board or general membership and is part of Executive.
  • The main role of the honorary secretary is assisting in governance
  • Additionally the role of the AMS Honorary Secretary is to provide support to the AMS President, ensuring the smooth functioning of the Board and the AMS office. The Honorary Secretary shall be appointed for a period of two years and shall be eligible for re-election, but shall not hold office for more than four consecutive years. 

1. Minute all Board and Executive meetings & teleconferences. 
     -Typing of minutes is done by the Secretariat and is emailed to Secretary for checking
2. Check that a quorum is present at meetings for decision making purposes  
3. Minute Annual General Meeting (AGM)
4.  Report to Board on activities undertaken since previous meeting 
5. Report to membership at AGM on relevant Board matters 
6. Organise election of Board members on alternate years (odd years). 
    Ensure that elections of new Board members are carried out within the rules of the Society.  
    Ensure that voting arrangements for new Board members are administered in a   
    professional and transparent manner 
7. Prepare any reports as requested by Board or the Executive. 

6  Board members

  • Board members are elected to Board from the general membership of the Society for a period of two years.
  • Board members , on being elected, should make themselves aware of the Mission/Objectives/Memorandum of Understanding and Strategic plan of the AMS
  • Board members need to be available for 2 meetings a year. These meetings are 1-2 days, and one is attached to the Annual meeting of the AMS.
  • Board members need to be available for occasional teleconferences throughout the year and to reply in a timely manner to Board emails approximately every 2-4 weeks.
  • Board members are expected to participate in/chair Board sub-committees and to generally contribute to the discussions and decision making of Board.
  • Board members represent their state(s) and should bring relevant local AMS information/feedback to Board.
  • Board Member role description:

1. Regularly attends Board meetings and important related meetings.
2. Makes serious commitment to participate actively in committee work.
3. Volunteers for and willingly accepts assignments and completes them thoroughly and on time.
4. Stays informed about committee matters, prepare themselves well for meetings and reviews and 
    comments on minutes and reports.
5. Gets to know other committee members and builds a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus.
6. Is an active participant in the committee's annual evaluation and planning efforts.
7. Participates in fund raising for the organization

7 Changes Editor

  • Changes is the newsletter/magazine sent to each financial member.  It is sent quarterly i.e. March, June, September and December.  
  • The Editor of Changes will be voted for by Board from nominees from the Society membership. The Editor undertakes the responsibility of the content of Changes and thus should seek peer review for any submitted articles and seek Board review prior to publication
  • Changes Editor should attend Board Meetings
  • The Editor works closely with the Secretariat to prepare Changes.

Preparation of Changes

  • The Editor plans each issue 3 months prior to secretariat preparation (dates below) 
  • Preparation of each issue should commence 7-10 days before the end of the following months, i.e.  20 February, 20 May, 20 August, and 20 November.  It can take 2-3 weeks to collate all of the material.
  • The Editor plans the theme of each issue, commissions 3 -4 authors from a multi disciplinary background.  The brief is to compile a clinically focused but evidence-based article 800-1600 words up to 5-10 references.  This needs to be submitted 1 month prior to preparation of Changes.  The Editor then organises peer review then edits the article and returns these changes for approval to the author. 
  • Once prepared Changes is sent to Board for comment.  It is then returned for final complete review by the Editor before going to press.   The Editor also needs to review submitted books and material; as well as advertisements and decide if appropriate.  If unsure email correspondence with Executive Board members may be required.

8 Board of Affiliated Menopause Societies (CAMS) member

  • Representative of AMS, chosen either from Board or general membership.
  • The term is for 3 years.

9 Asia Pacific Menopause Federation  ( APMF) member

  • Representative of AMS, chosen either from Board or general membership

10  AMS Program Organising Committee  ( POC) Guidelines (previously: The Annual Meeting Scientific Committee)

  • The Program Organizing Committee of the AMS is appointed to organize the Annual Scientific Meeting each year. The aim is to develop a collegial approach with a variety of disciplines being represented on the POC. In the interest of preserving corporate memory within the committee, at least a 2 year term is preferred, with a change of members on a rotational basis. Having the Chair of the LOC on the POC will facilitate the showcasing of local people in each state.
  • It is intended that this Committee will provide a relevant program that may include innovative approaches to meet the educational needs and expectations of the Society membership at the Annual Congress.
  • This Committee will propose the scientific content for the Annual Congress in accordance with the Congress theme proposed to / by, and approved by the Board.
  • The Chair of this Committee will be appointed by the Board.
  • The Chair of this Committee will convene a committee of members of the Society and will include the Chair person of the Annual Meeting Local Organising Committee.
  • This committee will propose an outline of the program for the Annual Meeting, which is usually held in the second half of each calendar year. The draft program including proposed plenary speakers should be submitted to Board for approval before the 30th November of the calendar year preceding the Annual Meeting such that the program and plenary speakers can be approved of and finalised prior to 31st December of the preceding year.
  • No speakers should be invited until the Board/Executive has approved the overall program and the plenary speakers.
  • This Committee should liaise with the Annual Meeting Local Organising Committee Chair and the Honorary Treasurer regarding the meeting budget such that the Society is not inappropriately exposed.

10.1 - Committee Composition

  • Chair of Program Organising Committee
  • Chair of Local Organising Committee
  • Chair of Education Sub-committee
  • Representatives from a variety of disciplines: endocrinology, general practice, gynaecology, psychiatry/psychology and other special interest groups involved in menopausal medicine related health.
  • Suggested committee size 6
  • Executive to be ex-officio

10.2 – Program

  • Draft program to be submitted to Board before Christmas of the year preceding the Congress
  • Costs for overseas Speakers to be approved by Board
  • Final Program to be ready for printing 4 months prior to Congress

10.3 – Judging of Annual Scientific Awards

Awards are:

  • Jean Hailes Memorial Prize is presented to the best free communication or poster presentation by a current AMS member who is still within 10 years of completing their tertiary degree. Presenter to indicate eligibility for this prize when submitting abstract. The winner will receive a certificate of honour and AUD$500.
  • Barbara Gross Award is presented for the best overall free communication or poster by any delegate.  All free communications and posters presented at the Congress will be entered for this award. The winner will receive a certificate of honour and AUD$1,000.
  • Australasian Menopause Society Award
    This award is the most prestigious award offered by the Australasian Menopause Society and recognises a distinguished person in the field of menopause, who has given much of their life to making a significant contribution to this field.  Awarded every two years, the award will be presented at the congress dinner (Saturday 10 September) and will include a cheque for AUD$1,000.00 and a trophy of honour. 
  • Australasian Menopause Society Scientific Award is presented for the most  meritorious contribution to the field of menopause by an Australian or New Zealand investigator.  This is an annual award based on a published/accepted paper in the past 12 months accepted and in press by 30 June 2011.  The paper should be on a specific subject related to menopause. The winner will receive a certificate of honour and AUD$500.00

    Members are invited to nominate any member of the Society who is felt to have made such contribution together with a supporting summary of the nominee's achievements in the field of menopause and women's health. Nominations should be sent to the Secretariat by June 30.
  • Judges of the Awards are chosen by the Chair of the POC and Chair of Research sub-committee.
  • There are 2 judges per room, with a tight scoring system, so that when they come together to make a final decision, the choice about the winner is easier. 
  • Well defined criteria for judging will be sent out to each presenter and the judges well in advance of the meeting.

11 AMS Local Organising Committee Guidelines

  • This Committee is chaired by a member who is appointed by Board and will organise the Annual Congress in collaboration with the Annual Congress Programme Organising Committee. This committee will work closely with the appointed congress organisers to arrange the venue, accommodation, non scientific components of the meeting and will be responsible for the meeting budget. This will include liaising with industry for congress support and support for travel awards and other congress awards.

Committee composition

  • Chairman: appointed by Board at least 2 years prior to meeting
  • Committee members from various disciplines: chosen by LOC Chairman. ( Should include Chair of POC and Chair of next LOC)
  • Board executive: ex officio
  • AMS Secretariat as liaison

Professional Conference Organiser (PCO) appointed for 3 year term by Board

Available for many of the tasks listed below

Structure of Annual Scientific Meeting

  • Scientific Program: normally 2 ½ days form Friday morning to Sunday lunchtime & includes Welcome Reception and Congress Dinner
  • Allied Health Professionals Meeting: usually one lunchtime
  • AGM to be held during the ASM
  • Board Meeting usually held the day prior to ASM
  • Public Forum: Is organised on years where it is possible, and sometimes in partnership with other organisations.
  • Pre-Congress Update – usually on half day prior to ASM.

11.1  Duties of LOC

  • Set Conference date: usually September or October
  • Avoid NAMS, IMS & ANZBMS meeting dates. Also avoid major religious festivals (e.g. Jewish New Year).
  • Be aware of school holidays and other major medical meetings
  • Confirm conference date with AMS Exec and Secretariat

12  Public Forum

  • Chair needs to be elected from AMS membership, if the public forum is to go ahead.
  • This needs to organized including the role of marketing the public forum, venue selection, setting the cost of admission if anything, running the budget. The profit or loss is included in the total conference budget – This needs to be discussed by Board to be confirmed.

13 Education Sub-Committee

  • The Education Committee will be responsible for the educational material and activities outside the Annual Congress. This Committee requires sign off from Board for the broadly identified planned activities. The Chair person of this Committee is to be elected from the Board or may be co-opted from the membership. The Chair of this Committee will convene a committee of members of the Society
Chair Education Subcommittee – job description
  1. To chair meetings of education subcommittee and its prescribed tasks as determined by Board
  2. To continuously update AMS Information pamphlets, so that each is reviewed every two years and to write new ones as needed.
  3. To coordinate the generation of consensus statements on behalf of the AMS for submission to Board
  4. To respond to requests from members for educational resources and brief Board of same
  5. To provide a report to the membership at the AGM
  6. To report to Board on the activities of the education subcommittee and to participate in teleconferences of executive as required/regularly.

Education sub-committee members:

  • Members need to be available for occasional teleconferences throughout the year and to reply in a timely manner to Board emails approximately every 2-4 weeks.
  • Members are expected to participate in and to generally contribute to the discussions and decision making of the committee. Members should stay informed about committee matters, prepare themselves well for meetings and review and comment on minutes and reports.
  • Members should make serious commitment to participate actively in committee work and volunteer for and willingly accept assignments and complete them thoroughly and on time.

14 Website Sub-Committee

  • To maintain content, design and links of website both in members’ area and public domain   Loading material should be via one of two final common pathways – president and chair of website subcommittee.  If uncertainty as to the suitability the two persons should collaborate. 
  • To maintain domain registration and key, handover to the incoming chair of website subcommittee or president.
  • To liaise with the website designers as needed and approve accounts issued by same
  • To review web hosting as required and approve costs of same
  • To review the “housekeeping” role of the secretariat in website maintenance
    • Principles of Website Housekeeping:
      - All modification to the website shall be authorised by the chair of the website subcommittee or the President.
      - Consultation and assistance from the appointed web design/web maintenance providers shall be done after approval from the chair of the website subcommittee. 

15 Research Sub-Committee

  • This committee is a sub-committee of the Education Committee.
  • This Committee will be convened when the annual budget allows for funding for research projects and there is a call for submission for research grant awards.
  • The Chair of this Committee will be appointed by the Board and hold a 2 year term of office.
  • The Committee will act in accordance with the guidelines for research grant awards established by Board when funds are available.
  • This Committee will evaluate submissions and make recommendations to Board as to which submissions should receive funding. Board should be notified of the recommended successful grantees prior to the grantees being informed of their success.

Content Updated 23 April 2014