World Menopause Day 2020

WMD IMS 2020

World Menopause Day is held every year on the 18th October. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing. We encourage professionals and women to participate in this global awareness raising campaign by printing and sharing these materials, organising events to engage their communities, and sharing World Menopause Day social media posts. 

The theme for World Menopause Day 2020 is Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI).

The October print issue of Climacteric includes the White Paper. The paper is also available via Climacteric online with free access. 

Premature Ovarian Insufficiency: an International Menopause Society White Paper

Premature Ovarian Insufficiency International Menopause Society White PaperThe aim of this White paper on Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) is to provide the latest information regarding this distressing condition. The impact of POI has far-reaching consequences due to its impact on general, psychological and sexual quality of life, fertility prospects and long-term bone, cardiovascular and cognitive health.

The International Menopause Society has commissioned a number of experts at the forefront of their specialty to define the state of the art in the understanding of this condition, to advise on practical management strategies and to propose future research strategies.

You can access the White paper here pdfPremature Ovarian Insufficiency: an International Menopause Society White Paper2.30 MB        

AMS Information Sheets - for Health Professionals

The AMS has recently updated the Information Sheets Premature Ovarian Insufficiency and Early Menopause due to Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy.

Spontaneous Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Early Menopause due to Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

AMS Fact Sheets - for Patients

The AMS has also recently updated the patient Fact Sheets Menopause before 40 and Spontaneous POI and Early Menopause – Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy.

FS Menopause before 40 and spontaneous premature ovarian insufficiency FS Early menopause chemotherapy and radiation therapy


Patient Information Leaflet: Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

IMS has produced the Patient Information Leaflet to help women to better understand the condition and how it can be managed and treated.

You can download and read the Patient Information Leaflet on POI here pdfPatient Information Leaflet: Premature Ovarian Insufficiency6.57 MB         

Premature Ovarian Insufficiency International Menopause Society White Paper

Awareness Raising Poster

This A4 poster is designed to make women think about and possibly seek help regarding the changes that are happening to them as they enter midlife.

The poster can be used in a physician’s waiting room or reception, in libraries, or during health awareness meetings for women. The poster can be used throughout the year to encourage women to seek help and advice from their health care professional. You can download the poster here pdfIMS Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Poster1.52 MB

Poster IMS POI   

Content created October 2020